Project Type

Game Design Feedback

Wizdom Academy

Client’s Request

Kipwak Studio needed to improve their new game Wizdom Academy ahead of it's Steam launch, as well as market their game to gaming journalists for exposure.

Our Approach

To help Kipwak Studio reach their goals for Wizdom Academy, we provided the following:

  • Conducted our Game Design Audit service, going over Wizdom Academy through its mechanics, gameplay elements, progression systems, and more – Providing feedback as well as actionable solutions to increase retention rates, enhance and ensure a coherent player experience, improve average player feedback, etc. to increase their game’s quality before their demo release. Our delivery was nearly 20 pages of concise feedback and potential design solutions.
  • Provided our Press Release service in which we provided marketing & PR work by conducting market research, and writing a press release about their game Wizdom Academy, before then publishing it to GamesPress (The #1 leading PR outlet for games) on their behalf.


The result of this work?
Wizdom Academy has since reached nearly 10.000 wishlists after our work was completed, and their trailer has since been featured by IGN, GameTrailers, and more. Their demo was released to positive feedback, and we expect to see their sales do extremely well upon release. Keep in mind that this is Kipwak Studio’s first-ever indie game release.


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"Connor of Pixelrain Studios is great. Very fast to answer, he does what he says. He has been able to point out flows in our design and his detailed feedback will definitely help us do better. I will get back to him in due time, and so should you!"
Guillaume Mezino

Founder, Kipwak Studio